2023 Sign Ordinance
Planning Board Proposes Changes
to the Sign Ordinance
Amendment (5)
The Planning Board has proposed changes to the Town's sign Ordinance. They voted to send the changes to the ballot at the December 20, 2022 meeting
The text of the proposed changes is not included in the ballot language that was approved

It is troubling that the Planning Board would propose an amendment and not identify the language of the proposed change specifically. Since there is no reference to specific language printed on the ballot, if this were to pass, a voter could not be certain which language would be enacted. This is almost like a blank check to allow the ordinance to be changed in an unspecified way. The Planning Board did provide a link to potential language in the notice for public hearing, but that document is not titled, dated, or referenced in any way on the ballot. Why would a voter approve this amendment without clearly knowing what language would be enacted? Below is the document that was linked in the December 20, 2022 meeting agenda.